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    Some people never develop wisdom teeth, while others have all four come in wholly and correctly aligned. However, many people’s wisdom teeth do not have enough room to erupt properly and become fully functional. This leads to these teeth becoming impacted – either growing sideways or only partly erupting through the gums.  

    When a tooth is impacted, it can lead to infection in the surrounding gum tissues. Some people also experience cysts in their jaw due to their wisdom teeth not coming in correctly. This can cause pain and swelling. At Aparna Subramanian Dental Office, our implant dentist San Rafael, CA will likely recommend extracting the problematic wisdom teeth to minimize discomfort and prevent further complications. 

    The Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

    The dentist injects a local anesthetic to numb the area before the procedure. In rare cases, the patient may be given a sedative that puts the patient to sleep during the extraction. Once the area is numb, the dentist will make an incision into the gums and remove the wisdom tooth or teeth. The doctor may need to break the tooth into several pieces before extracting it if the tooth is only partially erupted. 

    Once your wisdom teeth have been extracted, our dentist will place a gauze pad over the surgical site to control bleeding. Some patients will also require stitches to close the gums; however, this is typically unnecessary. The dentist will also provide patients with post-operative instructions to help them recover from the procedure and ensure they heal well.  

    Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

    A lack of space in the mouth can cause your third molars to grow at an angle. Since these teeth are hard to access with a toothbrush or floss, making them harder to keep clean, they are more susceptible to cavities and decay. Their deep roots can also cause them to grow misaligned. 

    While wisdom teeth are a valuable asset to the mouth, they can sometimes cause problems when there is insufficient room for them to grow correctly. The teeth become impacted below the gum line and can cause pain, infection, or damage to neighboring teeth and bone. Impacted wisdom teeth should be addressed immediately to prevent health problems such as cysts, tumors, tooth decay, or infections.  

    To determine whether or not your wisdom teeth should be removed, visit Aparna Subramanian Dental Office at 880 Las Galinas Suite #5, San Rafael, CA 94903, or call (415) 479-8747. During your appointment, our doctor will discuss your symptoms with you, perform an oral examination, and possibly order X-rays of your mouth to further assess the health of your teeth and jaw bones. They will then explain your exam results and recommend a treatment plan that fits your needs. 

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    880 Las Galinas Suite #5,
    San Rafael, CA 94903

    Office Hours

    MON - THU8:30 am - 5:30 pm

    FRI - SUNClosed