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    Traditional full or partial dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, whereas partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.  

    For more comfort and security, your denture may be custom-made to snap into position over dental implants placed within your jawbone. This can provide excellent stability and improve comfort compared to traditional dentures that rest on the gums. During your consultation with implant dentist San Rafael, CA at Aparna Subramanian Dental Office, our dentist can help determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure. 

    Types of Dentures

    Partial Dentures

    A partial denture is a common tooth replacement option for multiple missing teeth. It is a removable appliance attached to the adjacent teeth for support. Removable partial dentures can be an excellent option for patients who are missing multiple teeth for whom dental implants are not an option. Removable partial dentures fill gaps in the smile and keep the surrounding teeth from shifting out of place and becoming misaligned.

    Full Dentures

    A complete or full denture is a removable appliance that replaces all of your teeth. Full dentures are made to resemble your natural teeth closely or can be designed to fit your unique aesthetic goals, making your smile appear more youthful. 

    Complete dentures are an excellent solution for patients looking to replace entire arches of missing teeth. However, depending on your needs and goals, our dentist can also recommend other tooth replacement options. 

    When Are Dentures Used?

    You can benefit from dentures if you have lost most or all of your teeth. Whether you require complete dentures, partials, or implant-supported dentures, our dentist will help you explore your options. Dentures can replace several teeth or all of the teeth in an arch, improving the appearance of your smile and helping you regain your oral function 

    Many patients get dentures because they are a quick and convenient way to replace their lost natural teeth. The prosthetic teeth are designed to look natural and set in a gum-colored base designed to match the color of natural gums. Dentures allow patients to eat and speak normally and require minimal care. To keep your mouth healthy and clean, brush your remaining teeth twice daily and brush your dentures as well. We also recommend soaking the dentures overnight in a cleaning solution or water to keep them looking and feeling their best. 

    To learn more about dentures, visit Aparna Subramanian Dental Office at 880 Las Galinas Suite #5, San Rafael, CA 94903, or call (415) 479-8747. 

    We Offer


    880 Las Galinas Suite #5,
    San Rafael, CA 94903

    Office Hours

    MON - THU8:30 am - 5:30 pm

    FRI - SUNClosed