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    Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance of your smile through a variety of procedures. The most common issues corrected by cosmetic dental treatments are stained or discolored teeth, broken or chipped teeth, and misaligned teeth. Cosmetic procedures include smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, tooth-colored fillings, teeth whitening, clear braces, and dental crowns.  

    At the implant dentist in San Rafael, CA, Aparna Subramanian Dental Office, we recommend cosmetic dentistry treatments and procedures to patients looking to enhance the overall appearance of their smiles and improve their oral health. 

    The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

    • A beautiful smile is essential in your personal and professional life. It improves self-confidence and self-esteem when meeting new people or interacting with colleagues. It also helps you maintain your professional appearance in the workplace, which can help you earn a higher salary or get promotions.
    • Even more importantly, cosmetic dentistry can improve physical health. For example, missing or damaged teeth can lead to difficulty eating the nutritious foods you need to maintain a healthy weight. In addition, crooked teeth can lead to TMJ disorders, which can damage your jaw joint and cause chronic pain. You can avoid these issues and improve your long-term health by repairing your teeth with cosmetic treatments. 
    • Finally, investing in your smile can help you save money in the long run. If you avoid the dentist for many years due to anxiety or fear of dental procedures, you might need more extensive procedures in the future. These can cost you far more money than necessary, so investing in simple dental care now is better if you want to avoid more expensive work later on. 

    Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

    Professional Teeth Whitening

    A professional whitening treatment can help restore your beautiful smile if your teeth are stained or discolored. In-office professional teeth whitening treatments are more efficient than at-home options, so you can enjoy brighter teeth in as little as one office visit. 

    Porcelain Veneers

    Porcelain veneers may be the perfect answer if you’re dealing with chipped, cracked, gapped, or otherwise damaged teeth. These thin yet durable shells are bonded to the front of your teeth, restoring their appearance while providing strength and resilience to your natural tooth enamel. 

    Dental Bonding

    Dental bonding is a popular and affordable option for correcting minor aesthetic flaws such as chips, cracks, discoloration, etc. The dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to your tooth and then sculpts it to match your natural teeth’s appearance.

    Gum Contouring

    Overly prominent gums can negatively impact your smile’s appearance. During a gum contouring procedure, the dentist gently reshapes your gums for a more pleasing appearance. 

    The benefits of cosmetic dentistry go beyond improving your smile’s appearance. Visit Aparna Subramanian Dental Office at 880 Las Galinas Suite #5, San Rafael, CA 94903, or call (415) 479-8747 to schedule your consultation and determine if cosmetic dentistry suits your needs. 

    We Offer


    880 Las Galinas Suite #5,
    San Rafael, CA 94903

    Office Hours

    MON - THU8:30 am - 5:30 pm

    FRI - SUNClosed