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    Restorative dentistry refers to a broad category of dental procedures that aim to repair or restore damaged teeth to their healthy, natural condition. If your teeth have become discolored, broken, or worn down over the years, we can help! From chips to fractures and discoloration to decay, we can reverse the damage and restore your smile’s natural appearance.  

    Many types of damage are preventable with regular dental checkups and maintenance, so make sure you visit our implant dentist San Rafael, CA at Aparna Subramanian Dental Office every six months for an exam and cleaning and to receive preventive care that can keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy for years to come. 

    The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

    Your smile is vulnerable to damage every day, and no matter how well you care for your teeth, they are bound to have issues at some point that require professional attention. That’s where restorative dentistry by the San Rafael implant dentist comes in – these treatments help preserve the health of your smile and are customized to your unique oral health needs. We’ll often recommend preventive visits alongside your treatment so we can catch any issues before they become major concerns for you. That way, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy smile for many years! 

    Various treatments by the San Rafael dental implant specialist such as crown and bridgework or implants fall under restorative dentistry. Treating minor damage and decay early allows our patients to avoid more invasive procedures later. When a tooth is restored with a crown or veneer, the damaged tooth can be preserved, preventing the need for a dental implant.  

    Additionally, when missing teeth are replaced quickly with dental implants by the affordable implant dentist San Rafael, loss of bone in the jaw can be prevented. Implants fuse with the bone structure in the mouth, allowing for better support and stability for the replacement teeth and stimulating the jawbone. Implants by the top-rated implant dentist in San Rafael are also more comfortable than dentures because they are stable and secure, preventing discomfort and the other teeth from shifting. With implants, patients enjoy their restored smile for longer and the health benefits of good oral hygiene. 

    Restorative Dentistry Procedures

    Dental Fillings

    A dental filling fills a small cavity caused by tooth decay. The decayed portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a material that restores your tooth’s natural strength and structure. This can help prevent further decay in the affected tooth.

    Dental Crowns

    A dental crown is a cap that covers the entire visible portion of your tooth. It is used to repair teeth that are cracked, broken, discolored, worn down, or otherwise structurally compromised. A crown can restore the tooth to its original strength to function again. 

    Dental Implants

    Dental implants are surgically placed posts that replace the roots of your lost teeth. Implants offered by the implant dentistry in San Rafael can support a crown, bridge, or denture to restore the function of your teeth and the appearance and feel of your smile. Implants are the most stable and durable option available for replacing missing teeth. For the best and advanced implant dentistry in San Rafael, visit our dental office.

    Visit Aparna Subramanian Dental Office at 880 Las Galinas Suite #5, San Rafael, CA 94903, or call (415) 479-8747 to learn more about the benefits of restorative dental care. 

    We Offer


    880 Las Galinas Suite #5,
    San Rafael, CA 94903

    Office Hours

    MON - THU8:30 am - 5:30 pm

    FRI - SUNClosed