Request an Appointment

    Everyone should visit their general dentist every six months or less, depending on their situation. This will ensure that no dental issues go untreated and that all oral health problems are identified and treated in their earliest stages. Regularly visiting our dentist at Aparna Subramanian Dental Office can help you prevent future issues like cavities, gum disease, and more. 

    Visiting the implant dentist San Rafael, CA regularly is also a great way to prevent cosmetic issues like stained teeth and bad breath. Regular cleanings can help remove stains from your teeth and freshen your breath. On top of this, we will help you improve your oral hygiene habits to keep your mouth healthy between visits. 

    Common Dental Conditions Treated by General Dentists

    Tooth Decay

    The leading cause of tooth loss, tooth decay occurs when plaque buildup causes damage to a tooth’s enamel.

    Gum Disease

    Inflamed or sore gums that bleed when brushing are signs of gum disease. Gum disease can lead to tooth and bone loss if left untreated.  


    Teeth that are crowded, crooked, or have gaps between them are referred to as malocclusions. Malocclusions can cause discomfort and affect chewing and speaking. 


    Bruxism refers to teeth grinding during sleep. It can result in sensitive, cracked, or broken teeth. 

    Dry Mouth

    Saliva is needed to wash away food particles from the teeth and gums and keep them clean. Without enough saliva, bacteria can grow and cause tooth decay or cavities. 

    Teeth Whitening

    Professional teeth whitening can brighten a patient’s smile. 

    Oral Cancer Screening

    Regular oral cancer screenings can help catch the disease early by detecting abnormal lesions and growths in the oral cavity. 

    The Benefits of General Dentistry

    Regular visits to the general dentist help you maintain healthy teeth and gums by allowing the dentist to address problems early when they are more easily treatable and even prevent them altogether. This can save you money in the long run by preventing more serious issues on top of helping you to maintain your oral health. Visiting the general dentist every six months can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile bright! 

    In addition to keeping your smile healthyby offering dental restorations and San Rafael, CA, implant dentistry, general dentistry visits can also make you more confident in your appearance. Regular visits to our general and experienced implant dentist in San Rafael can help you prevent damage that could negatively impact the appearance of your teeth and gums. General dentists also provide cosmetic treatments that can give you more confidence in your smile.  

    To schedule your next visit with the general dentist, call Aparna Subramanian Dental Office at (415) 479-8747 or visit us at 880 Las Galinas Suite #5, San Rafael, CA 94903. 

    We Offer


    880 Las Galinas Suite #5,
    San Rafael, CA 94903

    Office Hours

    MON - THU8:30 am - 5:30 pm

    FRI - SUNClosed